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Life Performance Blog: Why Your Health Is A Reflection Of Your Core Values

Writer's picture: Chris DeavinChris Deavin

Why is it some people see amazing results from following a certain nutrition or exercise plan, where the next person struggles to even follow them?

That has been the puzzle I have encountered many times over the years of being a health coach.

Why do some of my clients follow what I recommend at least 80% of the time (in some very rare cases 100%), and others start off keen and focused (even seeing encouraging early results) but slowly reduce their compliance and consistency to a level that still leaves them happy with the results they are achieving, but never really achieving what they potentially can?

All my clients say the right things when I ask them what they feel they need to do with regards to achieving their best health, but then in their daily lives do the complete opposite.

There is a moment with some clients which I call the ‘click’. Something clicks in them and they all of a sudden start doing 100% (or very close to it) of the things that I have been recommending when it comes to nutrition, exercise and lifestyle.

From that point forward they start seeing amazing results in a very short period of time.

This happens too often not for it to be something that shouldn’t be questioned and explored.

It Is Down To Your Core Values (I Believe)

When it comes to changing something in your life, like your health, it is more than likely that it will be in conflict with what you are currently doing. If it wasn’t, you would already being doing it.

For example, suddenly changing what you eat will require changing the food you buy, which may change the time it takes to prepare the food, which could change your daily routine (that has more than likely become automatic) and ultimately change a part of who you are.

That is the crux of it. Changing something in your life could likely change who you are, either in a tiny way or a huge way.

Change itself is uncomfortable at the best of times. Changing who you are, for most people, can be very uncomfortable.

Yes, you might lose a bit (or a lot) of weight, feel fitter and look for sexy, but what if it changes you from being a fun-loving, sociable and life-of-the-party type of person, into someone who is more conscious of what they eat and the people they hang out with.

Is what you gain from changing worth what you need to give up?

What value is there in changing who you are to the person you want to be?

That is what I think determines the ‘click’. When someone comes to the decision that who they are has to change. This isn’t easy.

Every one of us has core values. Definition of a personal core value is;

Personal values are reflections of our needs, desires and what we care about most in life. Values are great cohesive forces for our identities and can be thought of as decision-making guidelines that help us connect to our true selves. Defining your values will help you figure out what to pursue and what to avoid.

So any change in our lives needs to be in sync with our core values, if not, the change is in conflict and difficult to keep doing, no matter how much a health professional tells you that it is needed to achieve the health you desire.

Over the years I have had so many clients tell me they don’t have core values. I take this as them not knowing what core values are, because we all have them. They are the guidelines and boundaries we live our lives by.

It is the fact of not knowing they exist that is the real challenge to understanding why you are not achieving the results you hoped for, while your friend is achieving great results on the same nutrition and exercise plan. If you don’t know you need to change, then you won’t.

The common theme with my clients who do achieve amazing results and the one’s who achieve less, is the consistency of the habits they perform. The data I have collected over the years is clear. The clients with the highest compliance rate when it comes to performing the right habits and stopping the wrong habits, achieve the best results.

To achieve the right compliance rate requires doing the same thing over and over again. If that is in conflict in any way with who they are and how they currently live their lives, then it will be a constant battle to stay consistent. The longer the battle goes on, the higher the chance of giving up and compliance being low.

Parents are the best example of this. Without exception, parents will always put the welfare and happiness of their children first. Changing what they do with regards to improving their health, will only be effective if it does not conflict with the core values they hold as a parent.

So if this the case, why is it some parents achieve amazing results and some don’t? It is down to the type of core values they have.

So how do you change your core values (if they can be changed) to ones that are in less conflict with what you want to achieve when it comes to your health?

The easiest way is to build the right type of environment. The right environment is one that causes the least amount of conflict with your current core values. It needs to be an environment that allows any change to be easy and effective.

This will more than likely require better time management, planning and support.

Look at how you spend your time. Are there times in your average day that can be better utilised? Can those times be spent on improving your health? Even if it is only a minute? Can you use that minute to perform a challenging physical exercise (e.g. how may squats in a minute) or some quiet time to switch off and have a moment of reflection.

How well planned is your day? Better planning can lead to better use of your time and not wasted on tasks that could have been avoided. Planning can help you focus more on the important stuff and give you a sense of satisfaction at the end of your day.

Nothing of worth can really be achieved without the help of others. It might require you swallowing your pride and asking for help. Getting others to take more responsibility for themselves is support that will help you free up time for yourself.

Improving your time management, planning your life better and getting support will only happen if you want to change. Without the desire, your current core values will win out.

Maybe it doesn’t require changing your core values but adding new ones that can coexist with your current ones. For example; a core value of making sure you provide for your children with a core value that your health determines whether you can provide for your kids. A core value that aids another core value.

Also, don’t think of limiting beliefs as a core value. A limiting belief is something that holds you back from achieving what you want. Beliefs can change based on where you are and the people you have around you. Core values stay the same no matter the circumstances.

So the next time you feel you are not moving ahead with your goal of improving your health, maybe consider whether your core values are holding you back. If so, look to change them or add new ones that hold the same amount of value.

To find out more tips on how you can improve your body shape and health, book in for a Discovery Consultation to find out more about how the coaching I provide can help you achieve a lifetime of good health

Chris, myHealthCoach

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