Most people wait around for motivation to strike them like a lightning bolt. Well, I've got news: motivation isn't something that happens to you - it's something that you create for yourself.
If you don't feel motivated to achieve your goals, it is likely due to mental roadblocks that hold you hostage. Read the following 21 Mindset Tips and prepare your mind for success.
Success comes first in the mind, so visualise yourself accomplishing your goals.
Remember, you are the only person who can hold you back.
Forgive yourself and love yourself despite past failures.
Decide what is important in your life, and focus on that.
Conquer each negative thought the moment it enters your mind, when it is weakest.
Give up the idea that things won't go right unless you worry about them.
If you bring the body of your dreams to the point of resolve, then you'll soon be living in it.
Look towards your future, if you believe the best is yet to come then it will be.
You become what you think about most.
The margin between success and failure is very small and easily bridged by determination.
Start your day by accomplishing your hardest task first.
Set small attainable goals, rather than one monumental goal.
Convince yourself that exercise is fun, and it will be.
Know your big reason why.
Create a motivating play list of songs to use as the sound track to your workout sessions.
Every decision you make leads you either closer toward achieving your goal, or farther from it.
If you think you're a fat person, then you'll stay fat. If you think you're fit, then you soon will be.
Once you've set your goal, your attitude either pushes you toward accomplishment or failure.
If you don't know exactly where you want to go, you will likely end up someplace else.
You can have the body of your dreams, but first you must give up the belief that you can't.
You can only have two things in life: excuses or results.
If you're sick and tired of making excuses, then contact me today to get started on a results-driven health programme.
Chris, myHealthCoach