Chris Deavin

Mar 22, 20232 min

How To Build A Habit: Make It Satisfying (5/5)

Updated: Mar 26, 2023

We are more likely to repeat a habit if the experience of doing it is satisfying.


Our brains prioritise instant gratification over delayed gratification.


The Cardinal Rule Of Habit Building- goes, What is immediately rewarded is repeated. What is immediately punished is avoided.


For any habit to become consistent, you need to feel it is immediately successful in delivering a benefit, even if the benefit is small.


The first three strategies of building a habit; make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, increase the odds of the habit being performed.


Making a habit satisfying increases the odds of the habit being repeated.


One of the most satisfying feelings of habit-building is the feeling that you are progressing. A habit tracker is a simple way to measure how much progress you are making.


Tracking habit consistency is a good visual form of measuring progress and can help you not break the chain of the consistency you build. Not breaking the chain can become a powerful motivator to stick to the habit and in itself very satisfying.

How To Build A Habit: Recap

To build a habit that you can consistently follow, you first have to make it obvious. Make the habit so obvious that you can’t help but notice the triggers that make making your habit automatic.

Then make it attractive. The more reward you get from doing the habit, the more you will end up doing it.

Your environment should make it easier for you to perform your habit. The easier you find implementing the habit, the higher the consistency will be.

And last, make your habit satisfying. The more you feel you are progressing, the more satisfaction you will get from doing the habit.

If you follow these four steps to building a habit, I am confident you will find becoming habit consistent less challenging and more successful.

If you require more advice and support in becoming more habit consistent, please feel free to contact me to discuss how my coaching can help.

Just drop me an email at, or join one of my 30-Day Habit Challenges.

30-Day Habit Challenge

Do You Struggle In Keeping To Healthy Habits?

Do You Start Off With Good Intentions But Struggle To Sustain Progress?

My 30-Day Habit Challenge will help you become more consistent in implementing your chosen nutrition, exercise or healthy lifestyle habits.

Receive coaching, help and support in staying healthy by being part of a community of like-minded people who value their health as much as you do.

Choose the healthy habit or habits you want to become more consistent at, and then choose the level of consistency you want to achieve over a 30-day period.

Compare yourself to other people with the same habits, and be encouraged to keep going even when you feel like easing up.

So, if you are up to the challenge of following a healthy habit for 30 days but need help and support in keeping to it, then sign up and get back on track to living a healthy, fit and strong life.

Chris, myHealthCoach

#health #coaching #fitness #nutrition
