There is a direct link between our digestive system and overall body health, and as we know, the healthier we are, the better we can fight illness. With most people, there is a lack of understanding when it comes to digestive health.
In addition to handling stress, and exercising, a commitment to good health includes eating responsibly and choosing the right foods. An improper diet can ruin a good digestive system.
But perhaps you are eating quality foods in the correct ratios and still not feeling your best. In order for a healthy eating plan to be effective, you must make sure your digestive system is fully functional.
There is a direct relationship between the health of your digestive system and your overall look, feel and physical performance.
Things that can affect the health of your digestive system are stress, dehydration, eating processed food, non-organic dairy products, processed juices, poor-quality fats, chlorinated tap water, and caffeine.
Symptoms of an unhealthy digestive system are the following; gas, bloating, headache, fatigue after eating, constant hunger, bowel irregularity, muscle joint pains and neck, shoulder and lower back pain.
If you do suffer from the above symptoms, try drinking water before you eat, eat foods like salad first, and avoid drinking coffee and alcohol.
Take care to limit dehydrated foods, avoid foods you are intolerant to, chew food well, eat small meals often and never suppress the need to eat. The main thing you can do to improve the overall health of your digestive system is to improve the quality of your nutritional intake.
Tips for Improving Digestion
1. Drink two glasses of clean, chlorine-free water 15-20 minutes before each meal.
Always avoid drinking alcohol before meals. When alcohol of any form enters your digestive system in the absence of protein or fats, it irritates your gut, setting you up for food intolerances and a host of other problems.
Also, avoid drinking coffee or other stimulants before eating. These drinks cause the activation of your sympathetic nervous system, which in turn disrupts your ability to digest food.
These stimulants also help release insulin from the pancreas and release blood sugar from the liver. Therefore, anything you eat will likely be shuttled into your fat cells.
2. Limit the use of dehydrated foods. Dehydrated foods quite often get stuck to the colon wall, where they draw moisture out of the colon, creating a greater chance of constipation.
3. Chew your food until liquefied
4. Eat smaller meals more often. Eating smaller portions and dining ve or six times a day makes for better digestion and absorption of food.
5. Whenever possible, start your meals with raw (live) foods. All raw foods, such as fresh ingredients from a salad, contain enzymes that are beneficial to digestion.
Chris, myHealthCoach